The 10/20 Model You Need For Your Kindergarten Literacy Centers


I use the 10/20 model in my classroom for my 90min kindergarten literacy centers. This is the best thing since sliced bread, okay maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration. If you have struggled with how to structure out your reading block, this might be a different approach for you to try.

Students in kindergarten have a difficult time sitting on the carpet for 30min and then being independent for the 60min kindergarten literacy centers is almost near impossible. You will often find kids not engaged, not being as productive, and off task. This is because they need brain breaks, time to move their body, and adult support.

My Kindergarten Literacy Center Schedule:

This model is effective in fixing the typical 90min literacy block because it allows students a routine they will remember, encourage movement and independence.

My typical schedule has an hour from 7:30-8:30 for me to complete my curriculum module. In the EL curriculum that I use, they have a required hour module every day that has a read-aloud, questions, and activities for the students.

Then, they go to support (gym, music, art, etc.) and come back at 9-10:30. This is the 90min literacy block that I struggled with for a couple of years in different districts and schools. I realized doing a 30min whole group and 60min small group was doing my students a disservice.

Instead, I broke apart both increments into 3 sections. Therefore I teach 10min whole group, 20min small group, 10min whole group, 20min small group, 10min whole group, and 20min small group for a total of 90min.


What I do in my kindergarten literacy whole& small group

This structure has been life-changing for me because I keep my 10min whole groups in the same order every day. The first 10min is my phonics program from the EL curriculum, the second 10min is sight word review and the third 10min is Heggerty, another phonics program.

Also, my three small groups stay the same every day each week. For example, every Monday I do fluency and word work and these are inside Ikea Trofast Storage Bins. I have a total of 10 centers each week. We do two centers a day, plus they come to me (teacher table) as their third center. This would be the three small groups in between each 10min whole group. The small groups last 20min but at the beginning of the year we start with 10min small groups, then 15min and build up to 20min. In kindergarten literacy centers, working for an entire 20min takes time to get to!

Want to see how I store all these centers in my classroom? Click here to read about my kindergarten classroom and see my layout to get it all to fit.


Want to learn more about my kindergarten literacy centers?

If you want to see a detailed schedule of my 10/20 model, more about this model, what I do in whole group and small groups and an example of my planning for each group grab the guide below!

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