Kindergarten Classroom Setup


I did my first ever kindergarten classroom setup for someone other than myself this summer. It was so much fun setting up my coworker’s kindergarten room for the 2021-22 school year.

Nickie and I first started by agreeing on a color scheme. I believe a color scheme is easier to decorate with because you can find items almost anywhere. My favorite places to shop for her room were Homegoods, Hobby Lobby, Target, Amazon, National Business Furniture, and Lakeshore Learning. Some items in her room were bought with my money and others were items donated from sponsors. Since all items in her room aren’t the schools we agreed that she can have all items in the classroom until she leaves teaching, no matter if I leave teaching, she leaves the schools, etc.


What to do before setting up a room.

Before you start to set up a room whether it’s a new classroom, new school, wanting a change or even a playroom/homeschool area always CLEAN FIRST. This will save you in the long run. It seems strange to clean before because you think “it’s only going to get dirty again” but it will help you prepare for what you actually have and need in your kindergarten classroom.

I went through Nickie’s cabinets, closet, desk, file cabinet, etc. I took everything out and made categories for each space: trash, donate, sell, and keep. After making the categories, I looked at the keep pile and found the best spot for them.

  • I placed her Lakeshore Learning games that came in boxes or bulkier games in cabinets, one for literacy and one for math.
  • I made an area for cleaning supplies like paper towels, hand sanitizer, tissues, Clorox wipes, Ziploc baggies, etc.
  • Inside her desk are containers to store paper clips, thumbtacks, binder clips, rubber bands, staples, and more.
  • For the closet, I sorted out supplies, activities, themes, holidays and found bins that not only fit the space for them but fit the amount of materials she had.

Once the kindergarten classroom was clean and organized it was ready to set up the furniture.

Where to start with a kindergarten classroom setup

It can be overwhelming when setting up a classroom, especially a brand new room or even trying to rearrange to create the best possible learning environment for your students. I always start with the nonnegotiable. That means things that must stay in the room and what you need for your students. In Nickie’s room, I started with the carpet, desk, student tables, and chairs. Once I had that layout, I was able to visualize the rest of the room.

I took all decorations and put them on my carpet to get a general idea of what I had, aka how much crap I bought. Then I took all my National Business Furniture and found spots for them. They are all centers and I wanted them spaced out so students don’t crowd. The best part was they are all on wheels and moved easily.


Next up, bulletin boards!

Let me just say this is my least favorite thing. In a kindergarten classroom, your bulletin boards may differ depending on how many you have, your curriculum, and what is required from your school. For Nickie’s I did a spot for calendar/math, word wall, “I Can” statements/standards, and student work. I love using Lakeshore Learning, Better Than Paper because you can write on it with dry-erase markers and it holds up all year.


Kindergarten Centers:

After setting up the main furniture and walls, I place the centers around the room. Pictured above is a book browsing piece from National Business Furniture, but was perfect to use as a sensory table. There are 8 sections on top for 8 students to stand around and play with. The best part is Lakeshore Learning sent me these Heavy-Duty Book Bins that fit perfect 3 underneath each side of the sensory table. These can hold recording sheets, sensory bin materials, tweezers, or other manipulatives for them to use. Plus, you can use my coupon code 6809 till September 12, 2021 for 20% off any single non-sale item.


This is probably my most favorite spot in the room, the library, and the dramatic play stand. The bookshelf and book holder both came from National Business Furniture. I also got her a Nugget in the color Mayberry. The dramatic play stand was built by my boyfriend but all the printables you can grab on my TPT store.


This manipulative set is perfect to hold math materials, games, puzzles, and other toys that students may use. I also love that the bins are clear so students can see inside of them.

The last main part was the teaching desk/ guided reading area. I love these Otto Stools because they come in so many colors and the lids come off if you want to place stuff inside them. Also, you know I had to get Nickie so Ikea Trofast Bins for her printable centers. Grab labels here that fit on these bins!


Be sure to check out my Instagram to see a video of Nickie’s Classroom and check out my classroom last year for more ideas on a kindergarten classroom setup!

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