About Kayla

Hi, I am Kayla Hair, the owner of Move Mountains in Kindergarten. I am so excited you are here so pull up a seat and let’s get to know each other.
I am in my 8th year teaching kindergarten in a surrounding district right outside of Nashville, TN. This year is pretty special because I am co-teaching with my best friend.
What is co-teaching?
Well due to numbers, we put 30 kindergarteners in one classroom but legally in the state of Tennessee you can only have 25 kindergarteners for one adult. Which meant that there needed to be two teachers in one room. And here we are!

Also, this year has been pretty special because I am pregnant with our first child. My husband and I are thrilled to bring our little girl into the world in May 2024.

My husband and I also love to travel. We have been to numerous locations all around the world. I will be updating our lifestyle section on here to include all the places we’ve been with things to do, where we stayed, places to eat, and more!

During the past 8 years of teaching (especially through Covid), I have learned a lot. The most important thing I have come to realize is my students thrive off a routine and system and now my classroom can run effectively even when I am not there.
This took trial and error plus lots of organization but I finally feel confident that I have perfected a way to be the most successful teacher I can be.
I have brought the fun back into my classroom but still hitting those standards. I am engaging the kids with hands-on activities that require little to no prep. I can collect data without being interrupted (okay maybe a Chromebook issue here and there).
But most importantly my days don’t feel chaotic and I leave at my contract time if I want. I am able to plan and prep my weeks in advance.
If this is something you are looking to strive for, well you’ve come to the right place.
I will be sharing weekly posts on how I did this in my classroom and ways to start implementing this in your classroom right now so you too can move mountains.